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ABOUT Victoria & Inner Beauty Gems

Look into yourself &

know what grows there 

A flower always grows spontaneously, without having to ask whether to be tall or short, to have red or white petals ... It grows because it is its nature to be like this, already present in the seed from which it comes. Become strong and beautiful without someone telling him how to do it.

I believe there is an energy inside each of us, as inside the seed of a flower, it remains hidden and makes us evolve to blossom and manifest our true nature.


I 'm Victoria 


I like to describe myself as a Creative Soul, child of Mother Earth. I deeply believe that each of us has a specific purpose in life, a singular gift or a special talent to offer to others. And when, in addition to offering our talent, we also put ourselves at the service of others, we experience the Joy, the ecstasy and the exaltation of the spirit, which is our true Nature.

The choices we make every day can change not only our life, but also the whole world. I’m not referring only to the big decisions, but to the many small actions that we can take to love each other and to spread this Love also around us. 

I’ve spend the last October in a Ashram

Another choice, which would perhaps be more correct to call ‘’natural instinct’’, that changed my Life, was to start expressing my creativity and handcrafting. Together with the study of the properties of crystals and  gemstones, gives me the opportunity to share my passion, energy and love with others through my creations.


Creating Mala Necklaces for my clients is my favorite aspect of my business.  To truly customize and create a special piece of art for someone that will bring them joy, comfort, and aide them in their journey is a blessing itself. The result is authentic, unique and personal.

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I' m an artist and yoga teacher.
Inner Beauty Gems is a resource to find your balance and rediscover your inner&outer beauty. Here, you can find practical, inspirational, and thoughtful content to help you to blooming and create your dream life with confidence and awareness. What you learn here will nurture your mind and soul, open your heart, and become inspired and empowered to action.
A tree, a blade of grass or a flower alw

Among these choices, one of the most important for me was to start practicing Yoga. Yoga literally means union: union between the individual and the infinite, between the ego and the divine, between mind, body and spirit.

Yoga has changed my Life, it allows me to get closer to my essence, day by day.

🇬🇧“The soul always knows what to do to

Connection and sharing are for me two essential aspects of what I am and what I do.


Thank you if you’ll choose to follow me on this wonderful path.




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